
All paintings of the cycle the artist herself calls visual metaphors to the book and not illustrations. The first half of Hades' cycle begins addressing the Last Man, "who makes everything small". The last man is sneaky and coward, he takes no risks, but he wants success and comfort. The second half of the cycle is devoted to Zarathustra himself and to his friend – the eagle.
In Lena Hades interview with portal, she told about the prehistory of the cycle. "To be very brief, in my case, there was the birth of painting from the spirit of the text. An artist was born inside me only due to Nietzsche. Without Nietzsche I would never have decided to become a professional artist, to abandon from all other "callings" in favor of painting. It was a difficult decision, because the artist is easy to die from starvation. Very easy. Prior to Nietzsche I naively believed in many things that I had been imposed on by the surrounding society. I believed, for example, in culture, science, friendship, love, and church. A lot of things were unshakeable for me, and I lived with the ideas about them established without me. But when I first read Zarathustra - this text insulted me in all my best beliefs and convictions. It didn’t leave even the slightest hint of these my naive notions, it denied everything. Everything turned out not so, as I thought. And since it hurt me so, I began to read it more carefully. And gradually I realized that in general it was right that the world is not what it seems to us, not what our parents and social environment tries to teach us, or in other words, social suggestion of the world does not match the reality of the world. And most importantly - the real world has values completely different from the "conventional" values of any taken separately culture. All this led to the inner upheaval and change in attitude. I saw the world with different eyes. With Nietzsche’s eyes! And then his eyes for some reason just became my eyes. Apparently, there is a certain spiritual affinity between us, which allows me now to breathe easy his texts".
"Your works, especially large ones, are dominated by these expressive saturated reds and yellows, creating an atmosphere of condensed semi-insanity, inhuman, demonic tension. Therefore, your paintings crush with their power and heavy energy. Heavy pressing power. You have it anywhere. Is that the feeling you have due to Nietzsche’s texts?"
Lena Hades replies "For me, this is what the nakedness of life is, or more precisely, its halkion element. And somehow none of the Nietzsche experts have ever paid any attention to this halkion perception of Nietzsche. And yet, in ECCE HOMO Nietzsche calls himself a halkioner. I think that Nietzsche borrowed the word "halkioner" from Ancient Greek, which he knew brilliantly. In ancient Greek "halkeyo" means "to be a blacksmith, to forge." A halkion element is a kind of a forging element, not just chthonic, underground, but forging, where metal melts and is forged. This is a kind of an inner smithy, where the character is forged, and human will and strength are forged."